What’s a traditionally typical high school graduation party like in Denmark?
Very much like this one…
One of about 20 Studenterkørsel (student party-trucks) that went by.
Around noon on the last day of Gymnasium (which is very loosely equivalent to senior year of American high school and freshman year of college), an open-aired bus, with no real seats much less seat belts or safety restraints, will drive house-to-house picking up all the kids who were invited to the party. Each stop along the way consists of a 20-30 minute mini-party for the family & family friends of the student before all the graduates move on to the next pick-up.
Graduates getting dropped off for 30-45 minute party stop.
Around midnight, after the last big party with fireworks, liquor shots with relatives and gallons of beer, the bus will retrace its steps and drop all the kids off back at their houses. The last few kids usually spend the night together so no one is sitting alone on a party-truck amidst beer cans, plastic cups, underwear and vomit.
The bus itself will be equipped with massive loudspeakers, a keg (or 2), cases of beer and decorated with banners and ribbons and sometimes, yes... giant dildos. It’s custom and almost expected for passersby of all ages to beep and wave at the bus as the grads get hammered within.
Back of the party-truck
There was such a stop going on across the street from our house. +
The driver, who rents out his 1965 Danish army troop transport for Studenterkørsel events and kindly allowed me to take these pics, had a quick chat with me.
I asked him what are the rules? He said, literally:
"I tell them they can fart, and fuck and drink all they want... but absolutely no throwing anything or ANYONE out the sides".
Ahh.. Denmark, it’s fucking awesome. I couldn’t imagine how bent out of shape Americans would get about this rite of passage.
Here’s a video from within…